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Contact Us

We would love to hear from you. To get in touch, please complete the form below or give us a call.

Life Solutions of Hamlin, Inc.

1696 Lake Rd PO Box 160

Hamlin, NY 14464

Treasure Store (585) 204-2130

Seasonal Programs (585) 204-2730

Answers to frequently asked questions

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Frequently Asked Questions

What hours are you open? 


The food pantry is available by appointment only. Please call us at (585) 964-7420


The Treasure Store is open for shopping on Thursdays and Saturdays from 10 am to 4 pm. 

Treasure Store donations can be dropped off Thursdays and Saturdays from 10 am to 3 pm. ONLY

Volunteers will NOT be accepting ANY donations on other Days or Times.

How do I receive emergency food services?

Please call us at (585) 964-7420 to schedule an appointment.

What areas are supported by Life Solutions?


Our food pantry provides emergency food services for those in need. Our service area includes:

  • Ridge Road North to Lake Ontario

  • Sweden Walker Road West to Redman Road

Call (585) 964-7420 to schedule an appointment

When and where can I bring household donations? 


We receive donations on Thursdays and Saturdays from 10 am to 3 pm at 1696 Lake Road. Look for the sign at the door all the way to the left. Please do not leave donations outside.  Volunteers will NOT be accepting ANY donations on other Days or Time. (585) 204-2130

What donations are accepted?


Life Solutions Treasure Store relies on your generous donations to keep our doors open, so we can ultimately keep our Food Pantry stocked to assist those in need from our Community.
It takes many volunteer hours to sort, clean, price and display the household and clothing items that are donated.  You, as our customer, have come to expect gently used, clean, working items on our shelves for low prices.  In order to maintain that standard, it has become necessary for us to revamp our donation hours and procedures.  

  1. Donations Times-Thurs. & Sat. 10AM until 3:00 ONLY

  2. Volunteers will NOT be accepting ANY donations on other Days or Times…

  3. We Accept only GENTLY USED,CLEAN, COMPLETE, WORKING items.  We must exercise our right to turn away the following items:  Large Appliances, Air conditioners / Humidifiers with Filters, Bowling Balls, Car Seats, Cribs, Computers, Monitors, Encyclopedias, Suitcases, Mattress/Box Springs, Bike Helmets, Bed Pillows, VHS or Cassette Tapes, Vacuums, Magazines, Ironing Boards, Upholstered Furniture, Medical Equipment, Used Curtain Rods (out of original pkg), Lg. Comforters, Electric Blankets, Wired Lights, Punch BowlsNO dog/cat hair, NO rips/stains, No Smoke odorNO MILDEW, DUST, RIPS on BOOKSNO RUST, CHIPS , MISSING PIECES on Household Items

  4. DONATIONS MUST be in Light-weight bags or smaller size boxes.  

  5. We will have to respectfully decline any of the Above Items as it is Time Consuming and a Hardship on Life Solutions Volunteers to Dispose of these unsellable items. 

  6. We are no longer accepting “Community Garage Sale” leftovers

  7. For Furniture Donations, please Call/Text Linda @ 204-2130 BEFORE bringing item to Life Solutions. Larger Items we can accept are Tables, Desks, Bookcases, chairs (no upholstered), cabinets (NO china cabinets) and working Flat Screen TV’s.

How do I make a financial contribution?

We are a 501.c3 approved not-for-profit entity. You can make a donation by using our PayPal link on the top of our home page or by mailing a check to Life Solutions of Hamlin, PO Box 160 Hamlin NY 14464.

Do you need volunteers? How do I volunteer? 


We are always in need of new volunteers to keep this organization moving forward.  All types of skill sets are needed; from stocking the pantry shelves, and preparing donations for the treasure store shelves, to store operations, administrative assistance, and building maintenance.


Download our volunteer application form and email it to our volunteer coordinator at, mail it in, or drop it off when we are open.  If you are interested we would be glad to provide a tour.

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